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Home Claim ground clause

 Abogados Barcelona claims clauses suelo

Legal 1 Lawyers Madrid is a firm specializing in the representation of ground clauses.

We will negotiate for you with the financial institution.


Ask on their behalf:

Negotiate with financial institutions has always been difficult for the consumer and of course they will look after their interests. But it is impossible, so we have specialized in banking law. We offer specialized legal advice and representation to those affected by bad banking practices. In this series of legal actions in order to recover as much money for our clients.

reclamacion clausula suelo abogados barcelona

If you have a mortgage and you are receiving a higher interest than that agreed by the application of a ground clause, please contact us urgently. We can significantly reduce your monthly cost share and in many cases request reimbursement of overpaid interest. Contact us without obligation and one of our professionals will assist.

Lawyers Barcelona contact, Abogados Barcelona contacto

What is a mortgage clause Floor?


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